Leadership is a delicate balancing act where success and failure can hinge on perception. When a company thrives, traits like optimism and active listening are celebrated as visionary, and leaders who engage with their teams are hailed as collaborative, inclusive, and forward-thinking. But when things go wrong, those same qualities come under attack—optimism’s dismissed as naivety, and “listening” gets criticized as indecisiveness or an overreliance on consensus. Ultimately, results shape the narrative, transforming managerial traits into strengths or weaknesses based on the outcome.
Oscar Munoz, former CEO of United Airlines, waited more than four years after handing the reins to Scott Kirby before publishing his business memoir, Turnaround Time: Uniting an Airline and Its Employees in the Friendly Skies (2023.) With United now performing well despite the harsh challenges it faced over the past five years—such as the COVID-19 pandemic, operational disruptions, Boeing’s issues, and various supply chain problems—Munoz’s retrospective lens casts his “people-first leadership” in a favorable light.
At United, Munoz was more of a caretaker CEO than an industry visionary. He was elevated from the board to CEO following his predecessor’s scandal-driven resignation, with his main charge being to find a competent successor with deep industry experience. He succeeded spectacularly by recruiting Scott Kirby after Kirby was abruptly dismissed from American Airlines in 2016. When Munoz handed over the CEO role to Kirby just before Christmas 2019, on the eve of the COVID pandemic, analysts believed Munoz’s legacy would largely rest on hiring Kirby and his rocky initial response to the David Dao incident, followed by a dramatic course correction. To his credit, Munoz used the Dao debacle as a turning point, overseeing an acceleration in significant changes to United’s operations and employee culture.
However, Turnaround Time, which emphasizes the “human aspect of leadership,” lacks the tactical depth expected from a CEO memoir. It’s filled with anecdotes about “listening to employees” rather than providing detailed business strategies or a comprehensive portrayal of the complexities of running a major airline during a challenging time for the industry, with countless variables and uncontrollable factors shaping outcomes.
A key moment in the book recounts Munoz’s seemingly insightful interaction with a flight attendant named Amy Sue, who tearfully told him, “I’m just tired of always having to say, ‘I’m sorry.'” Her words underscored the burden frontline employees face—apologizing for service flaws and management decisions beyond their control. This encounter, claims Munoz, crystallized his leadership mission: to empower employees by aligning resources and support with their professional pride. United’s morale had been battered by financial struggles following 9/11, bankruptcy, and a slow-moving “merger” with Continental Airlines. Change was overdue, and Munoz’s employee-first approach aimed to revive a dispirited workforce.
Yet, one can’t help but ask: Why hadn’t Munoz engaged with employees during his decade on the board of United’s parent company (and another five years at the acquiring company, Continental Airlines)? Wise board members often gain an unfiltered understanding of company culture by connecting with employees directly rather than relying on polished C-suite reports, which can skew the board’s perceptions of the organization’s internal climate.
The real strength of Munoz’s memoir lies in his personal story, which brings a human depth to the book. Just 38 days into his CEO role, Munoz was hospitalized with coronary artery disease and underwent emergency heart surgery, followed by a heart transplant two months later. In Munoz’s telling, this harrowing experience reshaped his approach to leadership, infusing it with compassion and an awareness of the personal struggles many employees likely faced. With Kirby and the rest of the leadership team handling the daily operations and improvements of the airline, Munoz focused on creating a supportive company culture. Frontline employees I’ve interacted with often describe Munoz as personable and genuinely interested in their well-being and professional satisfaction.
Munoz’s heart transplant and recovery add emotional resonance to what might’ve been a typical corporate memoir. Turnaround Time highlights the emotional and psychological resilience that underpinned his leadership at United, showing how his personal journey mirrored his professional one. It’s a fast, engaging read worth picking up for the human story behind the corporate challenges.
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