Stuff, stuff, stuff.
We’re all fed up with our stuff. Sure, some of it is genuinely useful or at least nice to have. But most of it? It’s just clutter—we’ll never use it.
What once seemed essential now just takes up space.
Advertisers, exploiting our endless craving for more, spend their careers tricking us into buying things we don’t need or even want. It’s infuriating how these so-called “creatives” see themselves as artists while devising ways to get us to spend money we don’t have on stuff we don’t need.
This madness has to end.
Someone should offer top dollar to those who can convince us to stop buying stuff.
What we really need is a killer ad campaign with the slogan “STOP BUYING STUFF.”
The irony? The ad industry geniuses who could create this campaign are busy getting us to do the exact opposite.
Could any amount of money persuade them to run an ad campaign aimed at, well, ending all ad campaigns?
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