It’s understandable if you’re wary about visiting other people’s homes and mingling during this holiday season.
You can’t be too sure about hygiene in any space other than yours. And it’s natural to feel concerned about coming in contact with other attendees.
If you’re invited to a holiday gathering, be honest with your host about why you’re sending regrets: “I really appreciate your invite, but we aren’t socializing now. Hope you understand.” Don’t over-explain yourself.
If you must host a Thanksgiving, Christmas, or holiday party despite the risks, allow plenty of room between guests. Keep hand sanitizer around so guests can use it during the meal. Offer food that they can serve themselves. Do all the traditional cheers from a distance. Clean and wipe everything down before everyone arrives and again after they leave.
Idea for Impact: This holiday season, don’t get complacent, especially if restrictions ease. You don’t have to do any of this socializing if you don’t want to.
It is very important to carry out all our functions and holiday parties safely and carefully during the covid-19 pandemic. We should have fun while taking proper precautions for the pandemic. Thank you for sharing the information with us.