If you want to be popular all the time, you will misgovern.
—Lee Kuan Yew (Singaporean Statesman)
Injustice is not intrinsically bad: people regard it as evil only because it is accompanied by the fear that they will not escape the officials who are appointed to punish evil actions.
—Epicurus (Greek Philosopher)
The only guarantee, ever, is that things will go wrong. The only thing we can use to mitigate this is anticipation. Because the only variable we control completely is ourselves.
—Ryan Holiday (American Author)
The mission of art is to represent nature; not to imitate her.
—William Morris Hunt (American Painter)
They say that the pith of a lady’s letter is in the postscript.
—Anthony Trollope (English Novelist)
When in doubt, disclose.
—N. R. Narayana Murthy (Indian Businessperson)
The stage is actor’s country. You have to get your passport stamped every so often or they take away your citizenship.
—Vanessa Redgrave (British Actress)
The mind can store an estimated 100 trillion bits of information—compared with which a computer’s mere billions are virtually amnesiac.
—Sharon Begley (American Journalist)
Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
—Vincent van Gogh (Dutch Painter)
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
—Napoleon Hill (American Author)
Be displeased with what thou art, if thou desirest to attain to what thou art not; for where thou hast pleased thyself, there thou abidest, and if thou sayest I have enough, thou perishest.
—Augustine of Hippo (Roman-African Christian Philosopher)
If we are humble and sincere, God will finish in us the work He has begun. He never refuses His grace to those who ask it.
—Catherine McAuley (Irish Religious Sister)
He that lives in love lives in god, says the beloved disciple: and to be sure a man can live no where better.
—William Penn (English Quaker Leader)
The senses do not deceive; it is the judgment that deceives.
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German Poet)