Right Attitudes

Why New Expatriate Managers Struggle in Asia: Confronting the ‘Top-Down’ Work Culture

Why Expatriate Managers Struggle in Asia: Confronting the 'Top-Down' Work Culture Running the show in Asia is a whole different ball game compared to the West.

The management culture in Asia is primarily characterized by a pronounced top-down structure. Hierarchy based on position and seniority calls the shots.

Employees often see themselves more as executors of decisions that come from above, rather than being actively involved in the decision-making process. On top of that, there’s a fear of speaking up, worried they’ll stir up trouble or get sidelined.

This lack of creativity and proactive engagement stifles innovation and hampers organizational effectiveness. Even when employees recognize serious issues, they keep mum, sticking strictly to what they’re told.

Idea for Impact: For new expat managers, the key is getting people to open up, share their ideas, and challenge the status quo. Dive in, listen up, and make everyone part of the decision-making process. Their insights could be the game-changer your organization needs.

Take time to build those personal connections and create a vibe where everyone’s pitching in. Understand the influence networks and ditch the old-school compliance mindset.

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