Right Attitudes

The 5 Habits of Highly Organized People

Discover the recipes to productivity and peace of mind by adopting the habits of highly organized people:

  1. Instead of obsessing over perfection, embrace imperfection. Remember the 80/20 Principle, and focus your A-level efforts on the most critical projects. Don’t stress about every minor detail that doesn’t require your attention.
  2. Start with small steps to declutter your space. Set aside time for short decluttering sessions, whether five minutes after lunch to tackle a messy Tupperware drawer or a 15-minute nightly kitchen tidy-up routine. These micro-habits can save you a lot of time on the weekends or during deep-cleaning days.
  3. Avoid problems by anticipating them in advance. Don’t wait until something becomes urgent to take action. Be proactive and plan for contingencies, such as bringing an umbrella on an overcast day. The best time to change is when you want to, not when you’re forced to.
  4. Develop a plan, commit to it, but also be willing to adjust it when necessary. Avoid excessive planning and rigidly sticking to a plan that may no longer work. Stay open to change and be flexible when circumstances require it.
  5. Drop unnecessary work. Examine rituals that can be improved or eliminated. Work with colleagues to streamline decision-making if your workplace has too many rules, approvals, and forms. Take a fresh look at things and find ways to simplify your work processes.

Bonus: Don’t touch anything twice. Put every object in its proper place. Don’t sit on decisions.

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