Right Attitudes

Inspirational Quotations #910

Power isn’t doing something terrible to someone who’s weaker than you, … It’s having the strength to do something terrible, and choosing not to.
Jodi Picoult (American Novelist)

I believe fundamental honesty is the keystone of business.
Harvey Samuel Firestone (American Industrialist)

All the wars of the world, all the Caesars, have not the staying power of a lily in a cottage garden.
Reginald Farrer (English Botanist)

The present age prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, fancy to reality, the appearance to the essence for in these days illusion only is sacred, truth profane.
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach (German Philosopher)

For out of the eyes of every stranger looks either a friend or an enemy, waiting to be known.
Owen Wister (American Novelist)

The buyer needs a hundred eyes; the seller but one.
Italian Proverb

Good is the enemy of great. That good is the enemy of great is not just a business problem. It is a human problem.
Jim Collins (American Management Consultant)

It is the things we are unaware of in ourselves which make us so very angry when we see them in other people.
Irene Claremont de Castillejo (British Psychoanalyst)

We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.
Lloyd Alexander (American Writer)

Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time an actor acts, he does not hide; he exposes himself.
Jeanne Moreau (French Actress)

Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.
Bertrand A. Russell (British Philosopher, Mathematician)

Our conscience, which is a great ledger book, wherein are written all our offenses…grinds our souls with the remembrance of some precedent sins, makes us reflect upon, accuse and condemn ourselves.
Robert Burton (English Scholar, Clergyman)

Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics.
Jane Addams (American Social Reformer)

Be advised what thou dost discourse of, and what thou maintainest whether touching religion, state, or vanity; for if thou err in the first, thou shalt be accounted profane; if in the second, dangerous; if in the third, indiscreet and foolish.
Walter Raleigh (English Explorer, Courtier)

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