Right Attitudes

6 Tips to Quit your Boring Life and Live an Exciting One

As we get older, our life becomes a set of routine we follow every day and this can get boring and stagnant if we are just going through the motions every day. Being trapped in a stagnant life is a hard pill to swallow and many people do not know what to do with themselves when this hits you, this can be detrimental for you. A bored stagnant mind is a recipe for higher risk for depression, anxiety, drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive gambling, eating disorders, hostility, anger, poor social skills, bad grades and low work performance.

If depression and boredom sinks in, health goes for a toss and one may put on that excessive weight. One of the go-to things to get out of boredom is spending time working out and doing exercises. It will not only keep you occupied but also give you a good physique, probably like one of your action heroes that you see on-screen. If you are a fan of the Batman franchise you should check out Christian Bale’s workout and diet plan, to know about his amazing transformation.

Now, trying to break the boring chains binding your life and living a life that excites you filled with joy and fulfilment is a journey. Here are some steps that can start you on this journey:

1/ Examine your mind

Like any other vice in life, boredom cannot be eliminated from existence; it is always waiting for an opportunity to enter through the backdoors of our mind. Examining your mind with meditation or finding a calm place where you can reflect your life can be a good start. Now keep in mind, such exercise has to be non-judgmental but a time of gratitude, count the numerous blessings in your life. Even taking the time to write down just three things each day that we feel grateful for can help reinstate a balanced perspective on our day-to-day experience.

2/ Decluttering your environment

In most cases, when a person is bored his living environment is cluttered with all kinds of stuff. And on the other side, some people are cluttered with stressful emotion inside. Decluttering not only your living space but also your thoughts (going back to the first point) is essential. One fulfilling advice here is donating, you will feel much better when you donate and help someone who needs it. In case you are an emotional person learn to differentiate between opinions and facts. Decluttering and sorting your living space are additional benefits apart from tidiness. It gives you an impression that you have moved to a new phase in life, a new chapter.

3/ Use your gifts and time

It is said it is never too late to pick a hobby. You have a ton of potential! Maybe you are scared of trying something new. If so, go back into your child state, what you like doing then. Pick your old interest and give it a go. This will bring back a sense of self-confidence. This is probably the key turning point when the old interest might shed light on something new. Maybe you want to get back to the gym and work on your physique that you once used to do. You can probably set up a home gym by getting some dumbbells, weight lifts, treadmill and choose squat machines based on the review here. Use your gifts and potential to the best that you can.

For instance, let’s say you’ve always been intrigued by different cultures and languages. Instead of letting that interest fade away, why not embark on a language study online? Learning a new language can open up a world of opportunities and excitement. Imagine being able to converse with people from different parts of the globe, immersing yourself in their traditions and perspectives.

Time is finite for us humans. It is important that you use your time doing things that not only excite you but are also beneficial. One of the most common and effective steps to living an exciting life is to learn something new with a sense of accomplishment. Everyone has some fascination to learn something, take this chance to learn something new. Take a class. Never leave it too late that it becomes a regret.

4/ Voluntary risk

This should not be considered as a suggestion to turn to your vice. This simply means to explore the good experience life has to offer. For example, if you are someone who is not fond of travelling but wants to see the beauty of a certain place. Given the steps you have taken so far, the next step is to overcome your proclivity to decline and say yes to it voluntarily without any outside pressure. This is breaking your shell step. The possibility of you meeting new people or your type of people and multiplying your interest and creating a more exciting life full of memories is very high with voluntary risk.

5/ Appreciate the little things in life

Learn to appreciate your life. Pause your eyes once in a while and see the beauty of the things around you. Observe the little things animate and the inanimate pleasure of life; they are just pure magic. Like walking your dog, spending time with your loved ones, gazing upon the stars in a clear sky, waking up early and enjoying a hot coffee watching the sunrise, listening to your favourite old playlists, Sunday afternoon naps, doing your laundry, planting a flower, celebrating someone else’s success, or making someone smile. We often overlook these things when we are self-absorbed in our busy life. Learning to appreciate can truly impact your life and make it more fun to be around.

6/ Mend your relations

When we were young, we were always taught to say “I am sorry” when you do wrong to someone. But somehow when you get older, the word gets thrown around a lot but is harder to come by when it means the most. The last step here is to mend your relations with your loved ones. This is how we need to look at things when trying to mend relationships. We need to put our ego aside for a moment, apologize and have a conversation where things went wrong, and try to move forward in a positive direction. This will allow you to be free and able to enjoy your life more fully. Now there is a flip side to this point, this might sound harsh but if your relationship with someone binds you with your vices and diminishes your potential then it’s probably best to end it.

Live an Exciting One

These are some of the steps to escape a boring life. The above dealings are a step by step guide although you can customize the latter points accordingly. Hopefully, this helps you in your journey to a more exciting and joyful life.

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