Right Attitudes

Inspirational Quotations #822

Too austere a philosophy makes few wise men; too rigorous politics, few good subjects; too hard a religion, few persons whose devotion is of long continuance.
Montesquieu (French Political Philosopher)

Of the things men give each other the greatest is loyalty.
Ben Hecht (American Screenwriter)

Throw out an alarming alarm clock. If the ring is loud and strident, you’re waking up to instant stress. You shouldn’t be bullied out of bed, just reminded that it’s time to start your day.
Sharon Anderson-Gold (American Philosopher)

In prosperity we need moderation; in adversity, patience.
Lee Iacocca (American Businessperson)

He who does not accept and respect those who want to reject life does not truly accept and respect life itself.
Thomas Szasz (Hungarian Psychiatrist)

Much of the messy advertising you see on television today is the product of committees. Committees can criticize advertisements, but they should never be allowed to create them.
David Ogilvy (British Advertising Executive)

I believe that traditional wisdom is incomplete. A composer can have all the talent of Mozart and a passionate desire to succeed, but if he believes he cannot compose music, he will come to nothing. He will not try hard enough. He will give up too soon when the elusive right melody takes too long to materialize.
Martin Seligman (American Psychologist)

People are twice as biased as they think they are, which is precisely why biases are dangerous.
Morgan Housel (American Financial Journalist, Investor)

Not to be able to bear poverty is a shameful thing; but not to know how to chase it away by work is a more shameful thing yet.
Pericles (Athenian Statesman)

Heaven is at the feet of mothers.
Persian Proverb

Many have had their greatness made for them by their enemies.
Baltasar Gracian (Spanish Philosopher, Prose Writer)

You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
Jack London (American Novelist)

If someday they say of me that in my work I have contributed something to the welfare and happiness of my fellow man, I shall be satisfied.
George Westinghouse (American Engineer)

Labor is a pleasure in itself.
Marcus Manilius (Roman Poet)

Charity and personal force are the only investments worth anything.
Walt Whitman (American Poet)

Memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth, but not its twin.
Barbara Kingsolver (American Novelist, Essayist)

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