Right Attitudes

Inspirational Quotations #559

All fair in love and war.
Francis Edward Smedley

Liberal education develops a sense of right, duty and honor; and more and more in the modern world, large business rests on rectitude and honor as well as on good judgment.
Charles William Eliot (American Educator)

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.
Charles William Eliot (American Educator)

Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering—because you can’t take it in all at once.
Audrey Hepburn (Belgian-born British Actor)

You know that it is only through work that you can achieve anything, either in college or in the world
Charles William Eliot (American Educator)

You ought to be true for the sake of the folks who think you are true. You never should stoop to a deed that your folks think you would not do. If you are false to yourself, be the blemish but small, you have injured your folks; you have been false to them all.
Edgar Guest (English-born American Poet)

The thing that is incredible is life itself. Why should we be here in this sun-illuminated universe? Why should there be green earth under our feet?
Edwin Markham (American Poet)

If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we have ever known.
George Marshall (American Military Leader)

The visionary disciplines himself to see the world always as if he had only just seen it for the first time.
Colin Wilson (British Philosopher)

Laboring toward distant aims set the mind in a higher key and puts us at our best.
Charles Henry Parkhurst (American Clergyman)

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