Right Attitudes

Inspirational Quotations #488

Every age needs men who will redeem the time by living with a vision of the things that are to be.
Adlai Stevenson (American Diplomat)

The true civilization is where every man gives to every other every right that he claims for himself.
Robert G. Ingersoll (American Atheist Politician)

To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle. Every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
Walt Whitman (American Poet)

In our sad condition our only consolation is the expectancy of another life. Here below all is incomprehensible.
Martin Luther (German Protestant Theologian)

The hardest times for me were not when people challenged what I said, but when I felt my voice was not heard
Carol Gilligan

What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another.
Havelock Ellis (British Sexologist)

Devout believers are safeguarded in a high degree against the risk of certain neurotic illnesses; their acceptance of the universal neurosis spares them the task of constructing a personal one.
Sigmund Freud (Austrian Psychiatrist)

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