Right Attitudes

Inspirational Quotations #236

What you seem to be, be really.
Benjamin Franklin (American Political leader)

I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become…Become the change you want to see – those are words I live by.
Oprah Winfrey (American TV Personality)

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious—the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
Albert Einstein (German-born Theoretical Physicist)

The mind has exactly the same power as the hands: not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.
Colin Wilson (British Philosopher)

The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth.
Niels Bohr (Danish Physicist)

It’s up to each of us alone to figure out who we are, who we are not, and to act more or less consistently with those conclusions.
Tom Peters (American Management Consultant)

Freedom, after all, is simply being able to live with the consequences of your decisions.
James X. Mullen

If you care about something, you have to protect it—if you’re lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.
John Irving

Convictions are the mainsprings of action, the driving powers of life. What a man lives are his convictions.
Francis Kelley

All great ideas are dangerous.
Oscar Wilde (Irish Poet)

When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.
Buckminster Fuller (American Inventor, Philosopher)

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