Right Attitudes

Overcome Procrastination: My “10-Minute Dash” Technique to Get a Task Going

“He has half the deed done who has made a beginning.”
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)

Procrastination: “Why do now what I can do later

Simply, procrastination is a choice to delay an action with the intent to act later.

Most of us are prone to procrastination on tasks big and small. Some of our postponement-problems are instigated by fears of incompletion and failure, or, from assuming that the tasks we face are tedious. Often, our procrastination is nothing more than resentment to working on tasks assigned by others.

The “10-Minute Dash” Technique

The next time you face a ‘job’ that appears overwhelming or unpleasant, beat the temptation to postpone action by committing to work on the job for just ten minutes. Follow these four simple steps.

Beginning a Task Builds Momentum

There are two distinct outcomes of doing a ten-minute dash.

Concluding Thoughts

One of the easiest techniques to overcoming procrastination is to begin. Quite often, seemingly difficult tasks get easier once you get working on them. In short time, you get into the ‘flow’ and work towards completion.

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